You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.4. GL TRANSACTIONS Menu: Posting Transactions > 2.4.8. GL Transactions - Import GL Journals > Importing Transactions from Cloud Payroll > Creating the Import File

Importing Transactions from Cloud Payroll

This document outlines the procedure for creating a GL journal batch in Micronet for payroll transactions entered into Cloud Payroll.


Creating the Import File

Once the pay has been finalised and sent to the bank, the corresponding General Ledger entries should be created.

To create the file of GL entries to be imported to Micronet:

  1. Log on to the Cloud Payroll website.
  2. Select REPORTS.

The Reports screen is displayed.

  1. Select the General Ledger Postings report.

The General Ledger Postings screen is displayed.

  1. Enter values for For Pay Days From and To for the pay period.
  2. Press the Go button.

The General Ledger Postings screen displays a preview of the General Ledger Entries.


Technical Tip

Check that the value for the bank account (in this case, account number 10680) agrees with the Take Home value on the Payroll Summary Report. If it does not agree, check that the For Pay Days From and To have been entered correctly.

  1. Select Download GL Interface File.

General Ledger Postings Report

The GL Interface File screen is displayed.

  1. Enter the pay period dates in For Pay Days from and To.
  2. In the File Format field, select Micronet (not yet available).
  3. Click on glfile.txt.

The Open / Save message bar is displayed.

  1. Select Save As.

The Save As screen is displayed.

  1. Save the file to a location.
  2. Log out of Cloud Payroll.